Ok let’s get right to the point;
if we are established in God’s grace, we will see Him clearly. If we are
established in the law, we will not. The same holds true in regards to the way
we interpret God’s word; or the way we respond to the living word, which of
course is Jesus Christ Himself. If we are not established in the grace of God,
we will have poor revelation on all fronts and will ultimately misinterpret both
the author and His word.
Revelation given through the
empowering and ever moving grace of God, verses revelation received under law
is as contrary as night and day. Because while the law remains stringent,
unmovable, and condemning; the grace of God moves to wrestle the leaves of
humanity, and irresistibly bring life to the soul.
To illustrate this point, I am
going to use a passage we should all know well. I am going to quote this verse
from the old King James because I feel it is a better translation than the new
regarding this particular verse.
II Timothy 2:15 – “Study to shew
thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly
dividing the word of truth.”
Unfortunately for years, I had
misinterpreted this scripture to mean that I was to study the word of God in
order to gain His approval; in that I would not be ashamed in His presence for
my lack of knowledge regarding His word; in other words, that my theology would
be straight, and as a result, I would be well pleasing in His sight.
Of course I know now that this is
not what this scripture means. That it’s correct interpretation is exactly the
opposite; that what it in fact means is this: That we study the word of God in
order that it may accomplish what it was designed to do; which of course is to
lead us into a personal relationship through divine encounter with the person
of Jesus Christ. That we may come to know and understand what great love He
bestowed upon us through the sufficient finality of what God provided man via
the precious gift of salvation. That we would understand with clarity the life,
death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, and in that, come to know God
Himself. To know that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ.
That we are established in His loving grace and realize beyond a shadow of
doubt that we are the righteousness of God in Him. That we have been perfected
forever; that we are without spot or blemish and beyond accusation in His
sight; that it is finished. That we have been saved completely to the utmost;
and as a result, there is nothing to be ashamed of, either in our lives or in
the proclamation of His word.
In short, this verse is not a
call to be bible answer man; it’s a call to know the living God, and what He
accomplished on our behalf. To understand that we have already been approved;
that we may walk in that approval, and live victoriously in Him.
Authors note: II Timothy 2:15 –
The New King James instructs the believer to be diligent at presenting him or
herself approved to God, while the old King James simply states – study to show
thyself approved unto God. Obviously upon close examination, there is a big
difference between these two interpretations. The translation in the New King
James points towards our diligent work as the mechanism by which we are
approved of God; while the translation in the old points to the fact that we
have already been approved. One of these translations is obviously works based
theology, and the other is correct. While one points to the author and finisher
of our faith, and what He accomplished on our behalf; the other points directly
to our works in gaining God’s approval. Now which one of these interpretations
do you suppose is correct? The one that points to Jesus or the one that points
to us? Pretty simple I should think..Amen!
P.S. There is no end to the study
of God’s word! With this in mind, wouldn’t this be an unfinished and never
ending way to gain approval?
Commentary by:
G. L. Miller
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