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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Christ's righteousness - Our justification - Our peace!

Unfortunately in many Christian circles, we are taught that Christ's sacrifice was due to the fact that God could not look upon sin. We are told that we had to be purified by the blood of the Lamb for God's sake in that He could not except us as we were..unrighteous humans. However the bible does not support this.

The fact of the matter is, that we were not made righteous for God's sake, we were made righteous for our sake! So that we may draw near to God, unhindered by the shame and guilt experienced through laws we could never thoroughly keep. One quick view of the Old Testament is all one should ever need to see that God did in fact look upon sin. The New Testament is very clear concerning what the law could and could not do. The law could make nothing perfect, and would not allow man to draw near to God.

Subsequent reading:
Heb. 7:11-19; Eph. 2:4-10; Romans 5:1-10

Author's note:
We were made righteous for our sake, not God's! And our justification was for our peace, not His! (Isa. 53:5) He really loves us that much!

Commentary by:
G. L. Miller

God is not mad!

God chose the nation of Israel to bring forth the Messiah. He gave them His word to confirm the coming of this Messiah. They were a peculair people set apart by God specifically for this purpose. The message of the cross, and the word of God rest upon their shoulders. Therefore He gave them instruction to follow, and disciplined them according to it's mandates. The point I am trying to make is this: God dealt with the nation of Israel like no other. Therefore the attributes God expressed towards them were specific to them. His wrath, His anger, His jealousy; all pointing towards the ultimate plan of redemption. The day in which He would take upon Himself the sins of the world. 

My friends, God is not mad! He has appeased His own wrath through the sacrifice of Himself in the Son. Of course the day of judgement will come for the unbelieving so that we should walk circumspectly concerning the lost. But let us not fall prey to the belief that God dwells in wrath, but rather perfect peace. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not persih, but have everlasting life. 

God is not mad!

Author' note:
If while reading the bible, we are compiling a list of evil enemies, we are reading it wrong.

Commentary by:
G. L. Miller

Monday, August 27, 2012

So help me God!

While the clergy busy themselves assigning the homosexual and lack of prayer in our schools to the certain judgment that awaits America, the corporate criminals in the White House busy themselves with crimes against humanity. Flying well protected under the banner of the Christian right. Talk about shock and awe! As if a 90 percent civilian casualtiy rate in our most recent war campaigns isn't enough. Heck, let's allow our very own corporate elite to rape our own citizens without even so much as the threat of prosecution. 'Oh but not to worry!', they say; 'We will build enough institutions to house the disillusioned and socially disenfranchised as a result of our slight oversight.'

My point is simple! We are quick to throw Old Testament principles at a politically correct landscape, while at the same time totally ignoring the issues most sacred to God. America will not be destroyed because of it's sexual appetite, or lack of prayer in the school. America will be destroyed because it failed to treat others as it so adamantly demands that it be treated. This will not be God's judgment, this destruction will be brought about by our own hand; as a direct result of failing to stand in truth.

Authors note:
As long as we fail to tell the whole truth, the parts we refuse to discuss will conceal and protect the lie.Transparency leads to correction, which in turns brings about change. May the grace of God empower us to speak boldly when it is our turn.

Proverbs  27:5-6: Open rebuke is better than love carefully concealed.

Proverbs 29:7: The righteous considers the cause of the poor, But the wicked does not understand such knowledge.

Commentary by:
G. L. Miller

P.S. There are many noble men and women in our leadership and military! Pray for them, that they may possess the aforesaid knowledge and power. Amen

Saturday, August 25, 2012

And this is eternal life....

The other day, my husband and I were discussing knowing God, eternal life, Jesus and such. I suddenly got such a picture of how I spent the first 5 or 6 years of my christian life. I saw myself being married to God, and because I was still under law, I wore myself out trying to DO all that I could to please God. I would read the bible and saw all these lists, and continually making mental notes of obedience, I would try to live the life of holiness. I did not really listen to God except for the fact that I was married to Him, and He had all these things recorded in His word that I could do to please Him.

Then I got a real life picture of my own marriage to my husband. I saw myself running around being a good little housewife, paying the bills, doing all the superficial stuff that I thought would make him happy and love me more. I found it to not really have a whole lot of bearing on our relationship like I thought it would, much to my disappointment. The truth of the matter was that he already loved me as much as he was going to, after all he did marry me...:-)! 

What it came down to was this! Once I sat down and had some deeper conversation with my husband; I started paying attention to the things he did not like or liked, I could respond accordingly. We would have long conversations about things that happened in his life, and mine. I found out his favorite color is orange, and that even though he is a body builder, he is very modest about what kind of shirts he wears. I know that he doesn't like waking up to dishes in the sink, and he loves when I wear bright colored clothes, but does not like me in brown. He knows that I love food, especially BBQ baby back ribs, and tries to help me not get carried away with it for fear of my health. He has learned that I like to keep things simple, that I am perfectly content with just going fishing, and even though I can be a bit of a slob at times, he continues to pick up after me. 

What I got out of this whole picture is that while I was running around trying to do all the things I thought Poppa expected of me, I was not really knowing Him. My justification was that He said in His word that this is right and that is wrong, so I was living a burdened life of trying to battle not only my flesh, but His rest. Poppa does not care how much we DO, especially if it keeps us from getting to really know Him. He wants us to know Him. That is where the rest is. Then we can respond accordingly as He sees fit. Otherwise we just live a burdened life of trying to obey the law, and become slaves to our flesh. We are new creations, and Jesus wants us to rest in His love and provision. I think it would do the saints a world of good to take a year or whatever to sit down and get to know their Poppa! I know He would love it!

Let me ask you..if you are married, do you know what your spouses favorite color is? Do they know what is yours? If not why? If they do, that's awesome. For those who are not married, what about your friends. Do they know some secrets about you? Your favorite color or food? Let us take this principle up with our Poppa and let it spread amongst the body!

John 17:3 - And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the Only True God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent!


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

God is not confused!

I often hear people say things like, 'God hates that, and He is looking down from heaven with hot displeasure, just waiting to judge those practicing such things'! As if to say that God were pacing the heavens in a state of discontent, impatiently waiting to judge what He has already judged.

My friends, God is not confused! He dwells in perfect peace, and is at rest with what He has declared to be good. The confusion lay with man in failing to grasp their righteousness before God in Christ. God's plan of redemption is perfect in that we have all been made perfect in Christ. All we must do is declare it to be so; that we may dwell in His holiness and rest in His peace.

I know these principles are in stark contrast to the apparent depravity of man; but God Himself is perfection, therefore, His plan for creation flawless; so that we must not lean on our own understanding, but rather rest in His glory. That is if indeed we truly believe He is good.

Authors note:
When others break the law, we want justice! When we break the law, we want mercy! What if God possessed these attributes, and was conformed to the ideologies and belief systems of man? Would Jesus still have gone to the cross?

Commentary by:
G. L. Miller

Principled by law or compelled by love!

There are in this world many principled men and women. People that live by strict sets of moral codes and ethics. Each believing that what they believe is just and right. These standards vary from person to person, and are as culturally diverse as the changing of the wind. One believes this, and another that. Each driven by his or her own set of laws; which in the end generally do not respect the best interest of the other. Especially in terms of relational change. The reason for this is that law, even in it's purest form does not possess within itself the power necessary for change. Which is to say that even the best of principles will not achieve what should be man's highest ambition towards one another; in that we would love one another.

Titus 2:11-14: 'For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lust, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present age, looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.'

Notice these verses say nothing of law because it is the grace of God which teaches us to live godly and to love. And love does no harm to it's neighbor! Perfect love is found in the righteousness of God in Christ alone, and is the highest form of righteousness to be achieved. Principles and laws will not suffice. Only the love of God will succeed in uniting man.

Authors note:
I am not ignorant concerning the purpose of the law. Judicially it was added because of transgression, and spiritually to bring the knowledge of sin; that man may turn to God for salvation. However, there is a higher law! The law of life in Christ, which abides in the royal law of love. May we seek His face! Amen.

Subsequent reading:
I Cor. 13:1-13; John 13:34

Commentary by:
G. L. Miller

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Dead to the law - Alive in Christ!

Most pastors will openly teach that we are no longer under the Mosaic system. They will quote scriptures like John 1:17, stating the law came through Moses, but grace and truth through Jesus Christ. Then they will turn right around and say things like, "Now that we have come to know Jesus, and have escaped the tyranny of the law, it should be our natural ambition to work at pleasing God by obeying the law.' Now while this type of teaching may sound right, it is in fact oxy-moronic in nature. For it is impossible to escape the tyranny of the law while still honestly trying to observe it. God only knows the inherent confusion this erroneous teaching has brought about. The fact that we would teach the saints that they are no longer under the curse of the law, then turn right around and place them under the bondage of the Mosaic covenant is unconscionable; and the lack of discernment on the part of leadership surrounding this problem is unfathomable.

What part of dying to the law don't we understand? The mystery has been revealed in Christ, and walking in the spirit is not rocket science. 

Authors note:
Here are some key words the Apostle Paul used to describe the law, i.e. the Mosaic Covenant: Useless, beggarly, weak, unprofitable, obsolete, the ministry of death and condemnation. Yes, the law is perfect and Holy, it just doesn't wear well with man. It never has, and it never will! Christ in us is our only hope of glory!

Subsequent reading:
Romans 4:13-16; Romans 7:4-12, 21-23; Romans 8:1-4; II Cor. 3:4-18
I Cor. 15:56; Heb. 7:1-9; Heb. chapter 8; Heb. 10:1-4

Commentary by:
G. L. Miller

The New Agreement - A Superior Covenant - Better Promises!

The old covenant was an agreement God made with the nation of Israel. This agreement was based on the nations ability to obey God's voice and keep His covenant. In other words, this covenant, this agreement was conditional. That if they obeyed His voice and kept the covenant, then they would be His special treasure. Of course, without realizing the impossible nature of this responsibility, they agreed stating in Exodus 19:8: 'All that the Lord has spoken we will do!' What happens next is of course a matter of record. Enter Exodus chapter 32 and the golden calf. The bottom line is that Israel failed just as God Himself knew they would because it is impossible for man to keep the law or to meet the righteous requirements of a holy God.

What we should learn from this is that the old covenant was an agreement God specifically made with the nation of Israel. God did not make this covenant with or for us Gentiles. Which means that we were never under it in the first place. God never intended the New Testament believer to be under Mosaic law. For further insight, please read Acts 15:1-10! The point Peter was trying to make is this: It is by grace through faith that we are both saved and kept. We are saved by the will of God, and kept by the authority of Christ. 

This new agreement, or covenant is based solely on the grace of God, and is available to all men by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. This agreement is unconditional and imperishable once received. It is an agreement God swore by Himself because there is no one greater. It is established by the immutability of His counsel, (His word); and it is confirmed by an oath, (His oath). This agreement rests entirely on the righteousness of Christ not man. It is not based on law, but rather grace; in that Christ Himself fulfilled the law on man's behalf through His perfect sacrifice. That we may stand justified before a holy God, freed forever from the accusation of sin, so that we may actually walk with the Creator of the Universe. It is final, complete, and it cannot be added to or taken from. It is the precious gift of salvation. It is the gift of God! It is the new agreement, a superior covenant, based on better promises!

Subsequent reading:
Heb. 8; Romans chapters 5-8

Authors note:
Let us not look to our failures, but rather to the love which washed them away!

Commentary by:
G. L. Miller 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Follow Me...And I will make you fishers of men!

My husband and I love to shore fish in Carlsbad, Ca. right off of Pacific Coast Highway. We have been going there for almost ten years. We go with hope that we will catch something, but whether we do or don't, we simply enjoy sitting in the sun with our poles in the water.

It can be very exciting when we do hook a fish because ocean fish are fighters in some unique ways. The calico bass try to wedge themselves in rocks, so you have to reel them in fast. Once they get to the shore, they just give up and rest until we take the hook out of there mouths, then they bolt! The sand bass are a whole different story. They are pretty tough to reel in; but then when you just about get them to the shore, they bolt with such force as to nearly rip the pole out of your hands! The croakers, (they get that name because when you pull them out of the water they make a croaking sound just like a frog), they just fight the whole time.

Another beautiful thing about our little fishing spot that we love is that we never really know what is going to come out of that water. We have caught baby halibut, crabs, and garfish. Some people have caught huge bat rays and octopus. One just never knows.

I tell this story because once again Poppa used this precious place to teach me about Him and His kingdom. He is the fishing pole and I am the bait. He is my hope and simply enjoys sitting with me in the Son. Sometimes He catches people through me and sometimes He doesn't, but it makes no difference to Him, He is perfectly content just having me available to Him and for Him. He shows me that people deal with receiving Him in many different ways! Some are fighters until they realize they are caught; then they just give up and rest until He takes the hook out of their mouth and sets them free. Others may fight, then give in, then try and bolt at the last second, then end up surrendering until He takes the hook out their mouth and sets them free as well. Others fight the whole time, but He eventually gets them, then takes the hook out of their mouth and sets them free. Our Father is busy catching all kinds of people, we never know who He will use us to catch.

One thing that He does with everyone He catches is...He takes the hook of sin and death out of their hearts through the blood of His Son and sets them free!


Friday, August 3, 2012

Sin consciousness, Works righteousness- The devil's playground!

Though most of us do not equate our state of mind in terms of work or rest, it is most certainly the case. If the mind is in a state of unrest, it is actually working overtime; which in turn affects our entire being. Ultimately determining such factors as to whether or not we live in gratitude, possess clarity of mind, or experience true peace. The minute we start to work at our freedom by observing the law, we become conscious of sin; and the minute we become conscious of sin, we become slaves to sin. The mind subconsciously working over time to eradicate that which is impossible; which of course is the indwelling sin of the flesh.

My friends, it is our Father's most sincere desire that we be free of the sin conscience; knowing that we have been cleansed and purified by the blood of the lamb should clear our conscience that we may boldly approach God unhindered by the accusation of sin; which in turn frees us to worship Him with a spirit of gratitude born of love. Phil. 4:6-7 states: Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and mind through Christ Jesus.

Heb. 10:1-4: For the law, having a shadow of the good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with these same sacrifices, which they offer continually year by year, make those who approach perfect. For then would they not have ceased to be offered? For the worshipers, once purified, would have had no more consciousness of sins. But in those sacrifices there is a reminder of sins every year. For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins.

Heb. 10:11-14: And every priest stands ministering daily and offering repeatedly the same sacrifices which could never take away sins. But this man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God, from that time waiting til His enemies are made His footstool. For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are sanctified.

Heb. 10:17-18: Then He adds, there sins and lawless deeds I will remember no more. Now where there is remission of these, there is no longer an offering for sin.

Heb 10: 22-23: Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.

May God richly bless you in the abundance of His gracious rest!!

Commentary by:
G. L. Miller